It provides food and other assistance to the needy. To join call 954-989-0606 for Information. To receive assistance call 754-551-2198, the caller must leave their name, phone number, and a message. Once the SVDP members receive the message they will contact the caller.
Visit our Adoration Chapel in the southwest corner of the Grotto, between the Church building and the Parish Hall. This intimate setting with the Blessed Sacrament is available Mon-Fri: 9:00 AM - 6:00PM Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 3:00 PM.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion who serve the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and to the sick and homebound. Please speak to our Pastor to discuss eligibility and training.
If you are interested in joining our Music Ministry or Choir please contact our Music Minister, Mrs. Elizabeth Flocker, after Mass or at
If you are interested in joining our Music Ministry or Choir, please speak with Mrs. Magda Rodriguez, our Spanish Music Minister, after Mass.
Reader who proclaim the Scriptures at Mass and other services. Speak with the Pastor if you are interested in beginning training to be a lector.
The Living Water Prayer Group meets Thursdays at 7pm in the Music Room, which is located in the School Gym. The gate to the Gym is on the East side of the church property, behind the school. It will be the only gate that will be open. Contact-- Cecelia at 954-294-8311 for more information.
Join Fr. John Thursday nights at 7:30pm by Zoom to read and reflect upon the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel. This is an excellent opportunity for everyone, including the sick and homebound, to learn about Scripture. Please ask Fr. John for Zoom login info.
Meets Wednesdays at 7:30pm in the Chapel.
Annunciation holds a quarterly yard sale and market in our parking lot. To reserve a spot to sell goods Call 305-333-8081 or 954-594-3222.
Volunteers lead the Rosary before each Mass, and after each weekday Mass (Monday-Saturday.) Please join us!
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena (English) with healing prayer, every last Wednesday of the month in the Church.
Divine Mercy Novena (Bilingual) group with the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, every first Friday of the month in the Church.
Meets every Thursday at 7:30pm in the Chapel.
Jueves, 7pm delante de la Iglesia.
Rite of Christian Initiation – preparation of adult candidates for Catholic sacraments. Please contact our Director of Religious Education, Mrs. Niolimay Mathieu, at
If you would like to enroll your child in Religious Education classes please contact our Director of Religious Education, Mrs. Niolimay Mathieu, at Classes are Sundays from September to May, 9:30am-10:45am.
Meets Wednesdays at 5pm in the Chapel.
Meets Mondays at 7pm in the Chapel.
Volunteers who assist people to their seat, if necessary. They also take up the collection. If you are interested in becoming an Usher please speak to one of the Ushers before or after Mass.
Nursing Home visits to the Peninsula Assisted Living & Memory Care every 2nd Friday of the month.
Preparing parents for the formation of their child’s faith. Please contact our Parish Office at 954-989-0606 for more information.
Volunteers who coordinate social activities and gatherings of parishioners during the year.
The PPC is involved in most activities and programs effecting the liturgical and spiritual life of Annunciation Parish.
Advises the Pastor on financial matters of the parish and school. Responsible for monitoring all income and expenses, and approving the annual budgets.
Parish volunteers who warmly welcome parishioners as they enter the Church for Mass.